Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

RCMP dog helps rescue baby taken by man into dense Manitoba woods

Manitoba RCMP in the Winnipegosis area were able to safely rescue and infant and arrest a suspect thanks to the work of a very good dog.
Police said they were called on the afternoon of April 18 about a man who had threatened to shoot residents in a house before fleeing with a baby.
Officers spotted the man driving off, then leaving his vehicle and running into the bush with the infant, who wasn’t dressed for the below-zero weather.
Police dog Marook was called in, and tracked the suspect through two kilometres of heavily treed area, where he was taken into custody. After being checked over by emergency medical services, it was determined that the infant was unharmed.
The man, 26, is in custody, facing two counts of uttering threats, as well as charges for fleeing from a peace officer and criminal negligence causing bodily harm.
